Miniature Schnauzer Temperament

Finding a Good Match for You and Your Family

Miniature schnauzers have a variety of personalities but their temperament is generally consistent with what you would expect from a family pet. They are lovely dogs, happy, playful and very sweet-natured. Like any dog, schnauzer personalities can vary depending on breeding history, past environment, and age. Some Miniature Schnauzers are incredibly personable and gregarious, while others can be more skittish or stubborn and may require actual obedience training to help them become well-adjusted citizens of the household.

These dogs love to be around people and you can find them wherever their owners are. They fit in well to families with older children and make fantastic companions for older people too. Miniatures love to be on the go and are always interested in their environment. They are very spirited dogs and tend to bark loudly and often. It has been said that they have at least twice the personality for their size, and enjoy playing and getting into mischief. The best thing about Miniature Schnauzer’s personalities is how sociable and jovial they are.

Miniature Schnauzers are also very smart and utilize their intelligence to help themselves to toys and food. Most miniatures are good with other family pets. However, they are considered part of the Terrier group of dogs — and also enjoy chasing an occasional mouse, rat, cat, bird or other outdoor animal. This can be dangerous behavior for a small sized breed so it is always recommended to keep them fenced-in for safety.

Their instincts kick in quickly and they immediately and automatically react when something catches their attention. They are fast and can be ignorant or even obstinate to their person’s commands when something interests them.

Schnauzers in general, require a lot of activity and exercise including walks, fetch and old-fashioned chase. They are highly trainable and eager to use their minds. They respond very well to positive reinforcement and love treats.

On the downside, Schnauzer personality traits can also contribute to instinctual attacks on other small pets. This behavior can be remedied with training, but it is always a possibility to be aware of. Miniatures also become bored easily and require variety of activities to avoid destructive behaviors like chewing inappropriate items or digging. Make sure they have toys and walks and play time daily to keep them occupied in a constructive way.

They are a good fit for families because there is usually always someone around to pay attention to them and play with.

Behavioral traits representative of the terrier breeds like excessive barking, growling at strangers and even digging can occur in some miniature schnauzers. They may require a healthy amount of socializing and routine obedience training to be as well-mannered they can be.

Barking can never be eliminated from their schnauzer personality. They bark to guard you and the family turf, as well as to tell you they want to play or are happy about a meal, a toy, or a walk. You may be able to teach your miniature schnauzer verbal commands to reduce their barking, but this is probably the characteristic a typical schnauzer will never completely stop showing. Miniatures are not well suited for homes with very young children at all. They are small and while sturdy, too active and sometimes hyperactive to deal patiently with teasing from infants. They primarily enjoy the company of older kids and more mature adult humans.

If you do try to put a hyper child together with a hyper schnauzer, the results may not be good for anyone. These dogs have concise boundaries that the younger children are incapable of respecting. When that happens, these dogs may snap or even bite. They may also see a very young child as a playmate puppy with whom they can wrestle and on whom they can chew a bit. Most parents frown on those behaviors.

Overall, this breed of dog is very adaptable and rarely uses its intelligence to take advantage. They are very loyal and make excellent traveling companions. They are keen watchdogs but once properly trained, can learn to follow your lead.

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